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A component that controls how items are distributed by the container


The Grid component does not replace Row Col. Row Col is responsible for Layout typesetting, and Grid is responsible for card typesetting and list typesetting.

And the distance between their ditches is the same as g-?

import {Grid} from '@acrool/react-grid';

{/*...ignore some */}


Props NameTypeRequiredDefaultDescription
colTGridGapThe number of columns that will fit next to each other on extra small devices (<576px). Use auto to give columns their natural widths.
smTGridGapThe number of columns that will fit next to each other on small devices (≥576px). Use auto to give columns their natural widths.
mdTGridGapThe number of columns that will fit next to each other on small devices (≥768px). Use auto to give columns their natural widths.
lgTGridGapThe number of columns that will fit next to each other on small devices (≥992px). Use auto to give columns their natural widths.
xlTGridGapThe number of columns that will fit next to each other on small devices (≥1200px). Use auto to give columns their natural widths.
xxlTGridGapThe number of columns that will fit next to each other on small devices (≥1400px). Use auto to give columns their natural widths.
aselementType"div"You can use a custom element for this component
export type RecordOption<K extends keyof any, T> = {
[P in K]?: T;
export type TMediaSize = 'xs'|'sm'|'md'|'lg'|'xl'|'xxl'


export type TGridGapUnit = 'px' | 'rem';
export type TGridGap = 0|`${number}${TGridGapUnit}`
breakpoints gap
<Grid className="gap-2 gap-md-4"/>
<Grid className="column-gap-2 row-gap-md-4"/>


export type TGridCol = string|number|TGridColNumberSizeUnit|'min-content'|'max-content'|`minmax('${TGridColNumberSizeUnit}', '${TGridColNumberSizeUnit}')`;
export type TGridTemplate = TGridCol|RecordOption<TMediaSize, TGridCol>
auto calc child, example is repeat(3, auto)
import {Grid, auto} from '@acrool/react-grid';

<Grid col={auto(3)}>
<div>TD 1</div>
<div>TD 2</div>
<div>TD 3</div>
auto x 6 td
<Grid col={6}/>
1fr * 6
import {fr} from '@acrool/react-grid';

<Grid col={fr(6)}/>
import {minmax} from '@acrool/react-grid';

<Grid col="minmax(10px, 1fr)"/>
<Grid col={minmax('10px', '1fr')}/>
1fr TD and 20px TD
<Grid col="1fr 20px"/>
<Grid col="1fr 1fr auto" md="1fr auto 1fr"/>


<Grid col={3} className="g-3">
<div className="g-col-3">Grid Col 1</div>
<div>Grid Col 2</div>
<div>Grid Col 3</div>
<div>Grid Col 4</div>
<div>Grid Col 5</div>
<div>Grid Col 6</div>
Grid Col 1
Grid Col 2
Grid Col 3
Grid Col 4
Grid Col 5
Grid Col 6
Grid Col


How to better understand CSS Gird, you can use this tool Grid-Layoutit